We’re looking forward to seeing one of our clients in an upcoming segment of “Informed,” a short-form documentary series hosted by actor Rob Lowe that is distributed to public television stations in all 50 states.
The program will focus on the award-winning social and community service referral website, Live Better Idaho (LBI), pioneered by Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) and developed by GovWebworks. It looks at how the website is helping to improve the customer experience for Idahoans seeking services.
LBI is an easy-to-navigate, consumer-friendly portal to non-governmental organizations and community partners. It provides access to the programs, services, and events available across the state. The goal is to encourage all Idaho citizens – not just those receiving public assistance benefits – to “live better.”
“The ‘Informed’ segment is going to help tell the story of how we addressed the challenge that families … can’t find, easily access, or connect with services. They are overwhelmed by our government bureaucracy and exhausted trying to navigate the system,” says IDHW Deputy Director Lori Wolff.
“The recognition and success of the Live Better Idaho initiative demonstrates when we empower families because they are people first and low-income second, their decisions, actions and priorities change. When we can influence that, as an agency we are much closer to having the impact that we all desire.”
Learn more
- About the Live Better Idaho project in our post on Targeting Social Determinants of Health
- About the Informed documentary in a post on the DHW blog
- Contact us with any questions